Source: Crazy Days and Nights

Come To The Ranch

This back in the day A/A- list mostly television actor who hit network gold a couple of times in his career was caught up in some really bad scandals with the tweens and teens that populated one of his shows.

On an earlier show, that really made his fame, he s.e.x.u.a.l.l.y. assaulted multiple women, but none came forward because they didn’t think they would be believed and they did go on a date with him, so they knew what would be said about them. On a later show though, things went younger.

There were not very many legal age women on the set.

One teen was about 14 when she went on the show and had a line or two.

She wanted to be an actress and our actor took her under his wing and said he could get her more lines the next week and get her a main cast role if she would let him coach her.

He did every day in his trailer for about a month.

When she told him she was pregnant, he freaked out.

Had she told anyone?


He invited her to go to a horse sale that upcoming weekend and they could talk about it more.

She went and at some point when they were looking at horses, she ended up behind one and the horse kicked her in the head and she was killed.

Was it an accident?

Did our actor, as an expert, maneuver her into a vulnerable position?

The autopsy didn’t indicate she was pregnant.

Was she?

Was it a cry for attention?

Whatever it was, she ended up dead.

It didn’t stop our actor though.

Michael Landon

Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie, Highway to Heaven

Related previously revealed blinds from ENTY:

November 11, 2014

An actress reached out to me several weeks ago and told me she read all of the blinds on the site and was especially interested in the ones that dealt with on set abuse because she is a survivor of it herself. Our actress was on a very hit show back in the 70’s. Very hit show. A family values type show.

She was in almost every episode of the show and had some episodes where the story focused on her. She was probably B list at the time but has not really worked since. When we spoke she said she wanted people to know what it was like on the set for a female teen and how things were completely different if you were a male teen or a man on the set. It was an ensemble show and there were lots of parts for both men and women and lots of roles for teens. She said that the first day she walked on the set she could feel a million eyes on her.

She had just started to develop and she had men in their 30’s and 40’s and older telling this 14 year old how hot she looked and they couldn’t wait to get to know her better. You would be in school on set but if you had a scene you would leave and shoot and come back.

The guys never had to come back if they didn’t want to. If you were a girl in the class the only way you would not have to come back is if you were with an actor on the set. And by with they meant having s.e.x with him in his trailer and after that you would go back to class unless he really liked you. Lead actors and producers and some other crew members could sign you out of class so you would end up staying with them all day and not doing any work. Drug and alcohol abuse were common because you had these people with no parental controls and these older men taking advantage.

She said that she lost her virginity on set to an A list actor who always got first pick of virgins. She though she was different and that he liked her, but the next month he found someone else and he found someone every month for the entire run of the show.

Pregnancy and abortions were common among the teens because the guys refused to use condoms and parents couldn’t be told what was going on so there was no birth control pill usage or very little. If you got pregnant you would be given a week off with pay but your parents were not told.

You would go to work on Monday and have the procedure and then spend the night at a friend’s house and then show up at work the rest of the week, but not have to work. One teen was bleeding really heavily the second night when she went home to her parent’s house after shooting and the parent’s complained and were given some money but the girl was written off the show.

I agreed to not release her name, but the show was Little House On The Prairie


March 2, 2018

Were you a runaway teen in the late 60’s and early 70’s? Did you make your way to LA to try and make your fame and fortune. If you were a male teen during those times and were suitably young and suitably attractive, a female, who was also very young might come up to you and offer to buy you a meal. If you accepted, you were then fed a meal and the conversation would inevitably turn to movies and acting and the dreams of the runaway. If he seemed desperate enough for a part, our young female would give him a card and tell him to call a very good friend of hers.

The very good friend was this permanent A list mostly movie actor who was past his peak on the list, but still had A+ list name recognition, much like he still enjoys to this day.

Of course the young man would call. I say man, but we are talking about teens here. Anywhere from 14-16 was the sweetspot in ages that the female was told to look for. She was that same age about then. She took over the job in about 1970. Prior to that time, the job had been handled by an actress. The actress was foreign born and almost A- list. She had a very secret life including a secret marriage and a very big secret drug problem.

The actor blackmailed her for many years and would force her to participate in his fetishes and find young teens for him. If she refused, the actor would have told the world about her marriage or the drugs, either of which would have ruined her career.

After her suicide, the actor turned to her “adoptive daughter,” who was really herself a runaway who lived with the actress and her husband and was basically their s.e.x. slave. She later had a recurring role on this long running 70’s-80’s television drama because she was hooking up with the at the time A+ list star of the show.

Anyway, usually within hours of handing over a card, the teen boy would call the number and be told to make his way to an address in the canyons. The gate would be open to a house. In the driveway of the house would be a Rolls Royce. At the wheel of the car would be the stunt double of the permanent A list actor. Invariably the boy would ask if the driver was the actor and the driver would respond that he was the actor’s evil twin. He would then tell the boy to get in the backseat. There, in the backseat would be the actor.

Once the boy was in, the car would be locked and the driver would start driving. The speed of the car would pick up and the molesting would begin as soon as the car turned on to Mulholland.

The boy would be forced to orally service the actor and would often be raped as well. There was no chance for the boy to escape because the car was locked. Even if he managed to get the door open, jumping would mean certain death. There was also the gun that the driver carried should the boy try and fight off the attempt. After the rape, the boy would usually be left on the side of the road, often not wearing anything other than a shirt.

Apparently this went on several times a week for years.

Inger Stevens

Charlton Heston

Ike Jones

Little House On The Prairie

Michael Landon

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