He killed himself.

Remember that K-pop singer who recently committed suicide that I wrote a blind about? It is pretty obvious now that at least one of the high level people who forced her to have sex was going to be exposed. Therefore, he killed himself.

Not Going To Happen

Not Going To Happen: She thought surgery would help. She thought rest would help. She can't talk about how it all happened though because it involved a crazy drug bender gone wrong with her really rich ex. What this all means for our permanent A+ list singer is she won't ever sing again, live or on a record.

Make it look like real love instead

Make sure you are both facing the camera so we really get a good look at your happiness together. Make it look like real love instead of one of you trying to prove something and the other distracting from a scandal. I will hand it to the A- list actor and B+ list actress, they really make the effort to sell it.

The military has been called in and is prepared to disperse protesters

The military has been called in and is prepared to disperse protesters, violently if need be, to make sure the next installment of this movie franchise can blow up a real bridge. People are blocking the bridge and will not leave. It is all because the leader of the country likes that the A+ list mostly movie actor calls them friends.

He had to cancel his golf trip

The royal pedophile had to cancel his golf trip because he was advised he would be held in custody upon arrival and held until such time as he could be interviewed by US authorities.