He shared some exciting news the other day

This B list celebrity used to be A list when his band was more popular and he was in the tabloids more frequently. He shared some exciting news the other day but failed to talk about another person in his life who he got pregnant and pays child support to.

He took a photo of each girl to go with their phone number

This B list mostly television actor who should be a C but is married to someone who is also a B- list mostly television actress/model. Together they keep each other higher than they would be separately. I wonder if the wife knows the husband was gathering phone numbers as fast as he could the other night at a club. He had two phones with him and was entering all the women on one of the phones. He also took a photo of each one to go with their phone number.

The checks are really nice

This almost A+ list singer has her own line of clothes at a discount retailer. When asked why she never wears any of the designs she said they were awful and the store is awful, but that the checks are really nice.

It was the shortest lunch on record

This A+ list celebrity was at lunch yesterday and had a meltdown. It started with her eating her food with her hands and then she started talking to herself and the next thing you know it was the shortest lunch on record and everyone got out of there.

He told the women the couple is no longer together

This C list reality star who has been in the news enough lately to make him A list for a couple of weeks had a threesome on Valentine's Day and neither of the women in the threesome was his B list reality star wife from an A list reality franchise. He told the women the couple is no longer together.

She is also holding a grudge over this angelic A- list mostly movie actress

This B list mostly movie actress who is on television right now and is one of the better actresses working right now is an Academy Award winner/nominee. She is also holding a grudge over this angelic A- list mostly movie actress who she accuses of sleeping with the director of their shared movie. She says that the angelic one was given more lines because of the relationship and more attention by the director after filming and cost our B lister the award she most coveted.