He had some serious chemical help in getting that body

This actor is over 50, so it may not surprise you that he needs some "help" getting in shape for roles where he can’t hide his body. In his case, the "help" comes in a little bottle, requires a needle, and is certainly not FDA-approved to help vain actors get buff. So if you are wowed by the paparazzi shots of him, and are impressed by his physique in his upcoming ensemble film, know that it isn’t really about diet and gym time. He had some serious chemical help in getting that body. Could this also explain his quick temper?

She’s addicted to the pills and also addicted to his care

He recently had to pause on work obligations citing health reasons. But this superstar didn’t seem all that sick. That’s because the health reasons were related to his wife. She’s been keeping a surprisingly low profile the last few months. Which is unusual because, well, the wife is rather pap-friendly. The immediate speculation was pregnancy and bump-hiding. But there was no bump when she showed up at a major event so it definitely wasn’t pregnancy. Apparently there’s a painkiller addiction going on. And that’s the reason he couldn’t make it that time. She had an episode and it was serious enough that he had to bail on work and help her out. Not a side of him we see very often – you know, putting her before him. Something she must have enjoyed, though probably for the wrong reasons. Still, she seems to be getting off on his attention. And that’s worrying for those around her too. She’s addicted to the pills and also addicted to his care.

Drunk out of her mind

This A+ list everything except movies drank three bottles of champagne in about 90 minutes while waiting to appear on the big premiere of a show. Drunk out of her mind.

Charges are flying fast and furious

Charges are flying fast and furious, but we're a ways away from a trial. Will the former famous flames of the accused be forced by the press or even the courts to reveal all about their past relationships with him? Hmmmmmmmmmm!

Could it be that a certain virginal young man was anything but prior to his highly publicized wedding?

Could it be that a certain virginal young man was anything but prior to his highly publicized wedding? So say two people who swear they can prove it. Turns out he enjoyed being chased far more than being chaste just months before being catapulted into our collective consciousness. When these former paramours came to light, they threatened to topple what was a tenuous grasp on fame to begin with. Far more damaging than his dalliances is the fact that one of these whistle-blowers is another guy!

Her hair is so thin because of years of bulimia

This B+ list mostly television actress has been on a hit network show forever. Literally it feels like it has swallowed an hour at the network for a decade. She is married and has been trying to get pregnant but is having issues because she takes a hair growth drug that women don't usually take and she can't get pregnant while taking it. Her hair is so thin because of years of bulimia.

Young pregnant reality star was doing shots yesterday

This still young pregnant reality star from a very popular cable reality show was doing shots yesterday. The person who saw that also saw a bong out but didn't see the reality star actually using it but others were making heavy use of it while the reality star was at the same table.

A coke bust will see the show go bye

Despite all the eyes watching her, this A list tweener/singer hasn't stopped using coke in public places. She is going to crash hard from the lofty position she got herself to this year. Her show is at a tipping point right now. A coke bust will see the show go bye and a long time before she gets another.

She knew all about his drug use and his cheating before they married!

This celebrity just loves to play the victim in her relationship. She has always been wonderful, faithful wife who just wanted to start a family and was shocked – shocked! – to discover that her athlete husband was a serious drug user and a cheater. Poor thing. Or… is she? Actually, she’s not such a victim here. She wasn’t shocked at all. She knew all about his drug use and his cheating before they married! She knew what he used, and how much he used, and how often he used it, and that he was cheating… and got married anyhow! Why? Because her mother told her that it would be fine. She told her daughter that a rich, dumb, black man makes the perfect match and that the drugs and infidelity would just make it that much easier to get out of the marriage later on. Get in, get the money, get out a few million richer… and let him look like the bad guy!

Our actor chose to leave his socks and his makeup on during the 30 minute session

This married former A+ list mostly movie actor and Academy Award winner who still thinks of himself as the biggest star on the planet is actually an A again after a drop to B. The aging actor hired a hooker for the night but kept her less than 30 minutes. Our actor chose to leave his socks and his makeup on during the 30 minute session. I didn't know he wore makeup.

She recently spent a week in the Caribbean with a billionaire who paid her $5M for the week

This Victoria's Secret model with the alliteration for a name and a significant other, set what I think is the personal record for most money paid for companionship. She recently spent a week in the Caribbean with a billionaire who paid her $5M for the week. Almost $1M a day. Apparently she wasn't shy about doing her best in earning that money at least according to one of the crew on the yacht they were staying.