Avril Lavigne? New nose?

This foreign born, perpetually annoying former A list singer went to rehab to take care of some of her drug demons but while there is also having some reconstructive surgery to take care of her nose which already had a couple of surgeries performed on it. It has been months now since anyone has seen her. I’m not sure anyone will recognize her with the new nose.

Our actress said no and some other very choice words.

This former A list mostly television actress from one of the more popular teen nighttime dramas of all-time has always lived off the fame from that show. She has always had one friend from that show but that friendship has been really tested after her friend wanted our actress to sleep with the husband of the friend or at least pretend to so there could be some buzz. Our actress said no and some other very choice words.

This ghostwriter does not keep secrets very well

I hope that confidentiality agreement that this former A+ list singer turned recluse signed with one of her exes is ironclad or she is going to have a whole world of gossip and dirt come tumbling down on her like she has never seen. He needs the money and is ready to spill. She probably should have written the check because once he starts talking to the ghostwriter, all of it will get out. This ghostwriter does not keep secrets very well.

He is working on a handful of kids now all from different moms

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is probably an A now, but only in certain circumstances. Acting family and very well liked, he has a problem with condoms. He is currently shuttling between promoting a new movie and taking two different women to doctor appointments because they are pregnant. He is working on a handful of kids now all from different moms. One of the two this time is still in her teens.

She is trying to alternate eating days with drinking days

This very famous celebrity has had a challenging year. Not only did her significant relationship break up, but both her ex and the public took some shots at her. To her credit, she has refrained from firing back. However, keeping all that anger inside has taken its toll. She started out using food and alcohol to cope, but then got mad at herself for all the calories she was ingesting and the weight she was gaining! So now – to keep the calories down to a dull roar – she has a new plan: She is trying to alternate eating days with drinking days. She does one or the other. Not every day… but pretty close.