Girl is just trying WAY too hard

This actress had a hairy encounter with an actor she knows who got a little grabby while greeting her at The Oscars. She kept her cool in the moment, although she did comment to someone (her publicist?) afterward, "Did you see that? Girl is just trying WAY too hard." She was not genuinely upset by it, though. She just thought it odd.

She broke up with her girlfriend because…

This offspring of an A list couple at the time and one of whom is still A list, if not A+ list broke up with her girlfriend when she discovered the girlfriend not only had hundreds of photos and videos of the offspring naked while sleeping but also had charged $25K to various credit cards and even tried to open an account using the name of the offspring.

She has phone sex with her celebrity ex who would be castrated if his A list celebrity girlfriend discovered it.

Let me see if I can keep up with all of this. B list mostly television actress who is only that high because she is on a hit network show that is ending. Oh, she also does some hosting. She is married. She has phone sex with her celebrity ex who would be castrated if his A list celebrity girlfriend discovered it. Oh, and our B list actress/host is also sleeping with the guy who got her the job she is about to get full-time. Now, about that husband of hers?

The B- lister might have a shot because of all the people she has slept with

It is war behind the scenes at this cable network. Apparently the B- list former talk show host/reality star was working behind the scenes yesterday to try and get an A list current multiple talk show host/reality star fired for some comments she made. The B- lister might have a shot because of all the people she has slept with, but she has no talent so she won’t be helping herself in all this.

The wife ran over to the diva’s seating area and flipped her the bird. The diva responded with a double barrel salute

So she ended up not bringing her friend, but this A-list diva did have a run in with one of that couple her friend hates. Right before the ceremony started, the wife asked an usher if she could talk to the diva, presumably about the friend. The usher returned with a message: "Ms. *insert last name of diva here* cannot or will not speak with you right now." The wife ran over to the diva’s seating area and flipped her the bird. The diva responded with a double barrel salute. Stay classy you two.

We do not know if she is still a cutter or if she engages in blood play

This horrifying encounter with a very famous actress and her husband at the time took place several years ago. One day, while working on a project, the actress slept in. One of the members of her staff knocked on her bedroom door and called her name, softly at first, and then louder, to try to awaken her. "It was my responsibility to get her up if she was running late to set." There was no response.

She woke up in a bed alone. She was definitely hammered.

She went home with them. She woke up naked. She woke up in a bed alone. She was definitely hammered. She (former A list tweener turned really crap actress who thinks she can still sing) was willing to have sex with the model/celebrity/actress she went home with while the model’s actor boyfriend watched, but our former tweener doesn’t know because the couple was gone when she woke up and she actually doesn’t have their phone number.