He knew exactly what he was getting into

I love the lies this back in the day A- list singer has been telling this week about his sex worker confrontation. He knew exactly what he was getting into so to speak because the one named always broke rapper has been bragging about the sex worker for a year.

She got married… secretly

This former A list mostly television actress who went from hit network show to hit network show to big bomb and now to a hit almost television show got secretly married.

She is getting paid and not having taxes taken out

This former stripper turned reality star turned club appearance specialist is getting paid and not having taxes taken out. The IRS was already looking into her hiding money and gifts the past two years and with her increased fame it is even easier to spot when she is hiding money.

He was insisting to this young girl that she should go to dinner with him.

There was a film screening recently, and a news anchor from a major network was there in an official capacity. The Anchor was accompanied by a bodyguard who was provided by the network. The bodyguard, who was clearly in his forties or fifties, at one point walked away from The Anchor and began aggressively hitting on a couple of teenage female interns who were working at the event.

The marriage is over. He’s keeping it very quiet, though.

This actor is best known for his role on a successful (and occasionally controversial) cable series that is now off the air. He also appears in a huge franchise and is securing more film roles as a result. He isn’t known for having dated a lot of girls, but he did get married a few years ago. His wedding was on the quiet side, although the star of that cable series was definitely in attendance.