He had a fling with a recent male co-star and has been hiding him

This foreign born actor used to be an A list mostly movie actor. Right now he is stuck in indie land. Added to his problems is he has never come out even though everyone knows he is gay. He had a fling with a recent male co-star and has been hiding him while he tries to get back together with his B+ list actress beard ex for some much needed publicity.

He is going to have his treatment of women exposed

You know that quirky sounding almost television show that was just recently not renewed? Well, one of the reasons very well could be that the celebrity offspring creator of it is the next one who is going to have his treatment of women exposed. That almost television outlet ahead of this one for a change.

Annexin A2: Yes, I think it is the most unusual title I may have had for a big blind.

It is the focus. The person who has been investigating this for the past decade spent about 30 minutes talking about Annexin A2 and how it works in the body and I just wanted the person to get to the good stuff. The long and short of it from what I understand is that it plays a big part of having a certain kind of cancer. Apparently there is also a way to inject this protein into your body and promote a certain kind of cell invasion which can kill you.