Perhaps he’s so busy doing his hair that he isn’t keeping up with the negative press about himself?

This very famous actor has been criticized before for getting grabby with actresses. Did he learn his lesson? Nope! Perhaps he’s so busy doing his hair that he isn’t keeping up with the negative press about himself? This time the grab occurred at an event for the whole cast of an upcoming TV project. Other actors in the cast posed with the actress with their hands on her shoulder or her waist or her arm.

She has stopped sticking up for him

With nothing to promote this time around, this pint sized former A list reality star from multiple reality shows is just letting her husband do what he wants with who he wants. It is what he has been doing the entire time they have been together but she has stopped sticking up for him.

Actor had some drugs put in the trailer of the director. He then had an assistant take a photo of the drugs.

This director is foreign born. He has directed some good things, but for the most part it has all been television. Good television. There is not one three camera sitcom in his credits. I don’t think. I don’t know every foreign show he has directed. Anyway. Not the point. The point is that I like the guy. He also has a foreign born B+ list mostly television actress significant other from a hit pay cable show. Apparently on one of the shows he directed, she stopped by the set. Nice of her. The thing is, it ultimately led to him getting kicked off the show.

More than one cast member pregnant by the same celebrity at the same time!

One of the desired story lines for this TV show last year was to have three pregnancies within the cast at the same time. The timing was a bit off for that pregnancy story line, but they may get another shot at one! This time they want a pregnancy by a young celebrity who is not a member of the cast. They might get it, too. He is well-known to ride bareback, and his carelessness has resulted in at least one pregnancy in the past.

Her boyfriend just sat with his head down most of the time and looked like it would all go away

This B list actor looked pained as he watched his former A+ list singer turned A- lister/part-time actress girlfriend try and get an entire restaurant to notice her. Whether it was the constant restroom walks or the over the top of hugs and screams when she saw someone she knew, it was all too much. Her boyfriend just sat with his head down most of the time and looked like it would all go away.

This reality star claims that she is adopting a child.

This reality star claims that she is adopting a child. According to someone close to the situation, she is lying. "She already knows that she doesn’t meet the basic qualifications in the U.S. because she has two big problems. She needs a steady income, but judges don’t look at reality show participants the same way they do regular actresses.

She prefers being a beard

I guess this former B+ list tweener turned bad actress/part-time singer prefers being a beard to reuniting with her former A+ list tweener ex.

Cold Sore Questionnaire

Among the Sony/Wikileaks documents, which mostly pertain to legal and financial matters, is a shocking secret document that proves Sony execs are seriously concerned with preventing the spread of herpes on set! In order to be insured for a film shoot, numerous actors working on Sony projects have been required to fill out the "Cold Sore Questionnaire," Radar has learned. According to the documents, they must "describe cold sore locations," confess when the sore(s) first appeared, admit how long their cold sores usually last, disclose any potential triggers, and reveal any medications that they are taking to treat the sores, commonly known as Herpes Simplex 1.

She has dropped down the list because people just don’t like her

This B- list mostly television actress was A list at one point back in the day. She even had the female lead in some movies. Over the years, she has dropped down the list because people just don’t like her. You would never know it from looking at her or any of her statements but she is homophobic to the point of it being a fear of being around anyone who is not straight. Plus, she is mean to crew members which causes problems on set and she is just not that great of an actress to have to deal with the crap she brings.