He has even given up hookers for the past month.

This A list mogul/reality star has always had lots of women that he rotates but for the past month has dwindled that number down to just one and it is not what some would call his significant other. He has even given up hookers for the past month.

So far the number is four women.

This B+ list mostly movie actress hired three private detectives to follow her B+ list mostly movie comic actor boyfriend to find out who exactly he is cheating on her with. So far the number is four women.

This A list reality star from an A list reality show doesn’t know how to share.

This A list reality star from an A list reality show doesn't know how to share. When a man offered our star some coke she gladly accepted and then took the coke from the guy and began walking around the beach nightclub with it. When the man followed her she went into the women's restroom and did it all before coming back out and giving the man the empty vial and saying thanks. Hey, at least she said thanks.

He had a private nude beach at his estate

OLD HOLLYWOOD: Which A/B-list mostly movie actor who transitioned successfully to television later in his career had a private nude beach at his estate? Surprising since he was known to be rather conservative. He closed it down after some hippies sneaked in and had a love-in.

He should just come out.

This B list mostly television actor who has worked steadily for over a decade on different shows has a big A list chance coming soon and his people wanted him to hang out with a bunch of models and Playboy bunnies and he did, but looked so uncomfortable and so awkward and he just does not do well around women despite his acting talent.