The actress let the fan squeeze them to see for himself

This still young, former almost A list mostly movie actress who recently failed at television but continues to maintain B list status due to her long career was at a premiere and a fan asked our actress if her breasts were real. Shocking pretty much everyone, including her husband, the actress let the fan squeeze them to see for himself.

Celebrity was trying to find a hit man to kill his now ex-wife

This A list celebrity who some weeks is on television just about every day was investigated by the FBI because there were rumblings that the celebrity was trying to find a hit man to kill his now ex-wife. They must not know him very well. He would do it himself rather than hire someone. He thinks he is James Bond.

She has a list of men she is dating

This B list celebrity and former reality star/actress has a list of men she is dating. The list was provided by her agent who says she can get a reality show with any of them if she can get them to agree. She is not known for taking no and is desperate to stay in the spotlight after trying her hand at singing last year.

He has been showing tiny hints that he enjoys men

This A list everything likes the world to think he is straight and make sure you always see him with women and he even has kids with women. Lately though he has been showing tiny hints that he also enjoys men. He also set up a foundation which also looks for aspiring male songwriters in undeveloped countries and has been personally looking through the photos of the applicants and flying his favorites to meet with him where he spends a weekend with them in a hotel while they work on songwriting. Uh huh.

She had to go down a size

This B list celebrity with A list name recognition who has also been in multiple reality shows and been around forever had to have her fake breasts reduced a size because she keeps losing too much weight. They literally didn't fit on the front of her body so she had to go down a size.

The celebrity from the franchise started off as a hooker and is still one

This B list reality star (again)/B list celebrity(#1) was talking to another B list reality star (#2) from a very hit reality franchise. The celebrity from the franchise started off as a hooker and is still one, but a very highly paid one. They were talking about guys and money and #1 says she makes $25000 a month sometimes from guys. #2 then says she has made that in a day. Definitely revealed.

She is an angry drunk and has burned a lot of bridges with her drunkenness

This actress used to be A list. Well, A list in the tweener world. She hasn't really made a dent outside that world and time is running out. She isn't a great actress and only has one look. She's convinced she is a superstar though. One thing that might help is to give up the getting fall down drunk thing she does every single night without fail. Plus she is an angry drunk and has burned a lot of bridges with her drunkenness.

Whoever is left at the end of the night gets to go home with him

This former A list celebrity who has had some huge musical hits back in the day and some great cameos in movies has a game he likes to call groupie roulette. He is also willing to play with strippers but is always cash poor so prefers groupies. He takes them out to dinner or to a club and has them perform certain tasks which get more dirty and degrading as the night goes on. Whoever is left at the end of the night gets to go home with him where he sweats all over them for a few minutes before sending them home with cab fare.

When her parents decided she could be a star…

This former A list R&B singer was really young when her parents decided she could be a star. They let this, at the time A+ list R&B singer talk them into letting their daughter move in with him knowing he would be having sex with her but it was the price they were willing to pay to make their daughter a star.

He has been holding acting classes and talent workshops

This former A list mostly television actor who was a really big deal at one point has been holding acting classes and talent workshops but seems to send them all home except for the very early teens. He has always loved them and his actress wife just has no clue or doesn't care.