She managed to lose the investors millions of dollars.

I always write about the singer who is a really bad actor and not a nice person. Let us not forget though how badly his significant other screwed up an operation where she was essentially just the face of an organization but managed to lose the investors millions of dollars.

Yet another woman the singer has thrown in front of a bus.

Yet another person has come forward calling out the A list singer/crap actor. The singer has always said he is the only vocalist on a huge song of his. Nope. There is a female singer that does a lot of the hard parts. Yet another woman the singer has thrown in front of a bus.

Even though with a team in place…

I have already told you how this A list singer/bad actor and his significant other are treating their assistants during this quarantine. As it turns out though, even though with a team in place, it was still too much for them to not fly another nanny up to their location to help out even more.

2 blinds in a row

Apparently there are a couple pictures of this A list singer/bad actor in bed with an actress and the singer's wife found out about it. Kind of blew up his whole story. / This one named A list rapper/actor/Oscar winner/nominee had a one weekend stand with a still married celebrity sibling to an A++ lister.

2 blinds in a row

The thrown under the bus actress is doing some talking to a friend or two. It was way more than a squeeze. There was an intense, physical and emotional affair. The word love was used. / The frequent feuder/host/wannabe actor doesn't believe in marriage, not because of the past, but because a huge chunk of his divorce income would go up in smoke.

She meant it as an anecdote

She meant it as an anecdote, but the former A/A- list singer from back in the day just added another notch to why this A list singer/bad actor is such a tool.

Just get divorced already.

This A list singer/crap actor told a few guy friends they should take a vacation together because the singer/actor needs some time away from the family. Just get divorced already.