Somehow, she has managed to get a new reality show

Earlier this year and late last year, I wrote about this former reality star who loves to have people think she is a victim. She has produced some celebrity offspring. I told you about the string of women she hooks up with wealthy men for a cut of the take.

She may be reading too much into his traveling to the same place at the same time.

We told you that this model was very intent on landing a famous new boyfriend ASAP. Well, she is telling friends that she may have succeeded! She was hanging out with [Musician] for a couple of days and she thinks it went really well. She asked him to go to [Foreign City] and he said he was going. She thinks that means that he is into her and that there is a good chance they will do a contract.

It was not a pleasant sight.

Why yes, that was this celebrity offspring of barely there celebrities who is probably a bigger deal than her parents dope sick yesterday at brunch. It was not a pleasant sight.

Stop trying to plant stories saying they are a couple.

Don’t believe the hype. As much as this former reality star/celebrity mom pumps out stories about her daughter through every PR team/tabloid possible, and as much as she might wish it to be true, the daughter is a yachter and is never going to land the A+ list mostly movie actor, let alone even date him. So, stop trying to plant stories saying they are a couple.