Taylor Swift basically lurches out of her seat when asked if it’s important to her that her boyfriend (Calvin Harris) and her friends get along.

“SO IMPORTANT. Oh, it’s so important.”

“In every friendship group, you’ve got one or two girls where you hear people say, ‘Oh, she’s so different around her boyfriend!’ “ Swift says.

“I never wanted to be that girl. So that was a huge goal of mine: never ever become someone else for the sake of a relationship.”

I suggest that it can sometimes be hard to maintain one’s identity in a new relationship, and Swift laughs, wisely.

“If you’re a people pleaser, like most of us are, you try to adapt to what signals that person is giving off,” she says.

“It’s not about changing the fact that you’re a people pleaser; it’s about finding someone [to date] who is not critical.

That can be the most painful thing, trying to love someone who is critical in their nature.”

Has that happened to her?, I ask, even though the answer is already obvious.

“Uh, yes,” she says. “But usually I don’t make the same mistake twice. I make new ones, but I don’t usually repeat my old ones.”

John Mayer

Source: http://www.vanityfair.com

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