Here’s an interesting foursome of celebrities.

Two actors, one model, one singer.

Singer and Actor 1 were dating last year.

Now, they never actually admitted they were dating.

They simply said they were “collaborating” on some music. Whatever.

If “collaborations” include sleepovers, they were collaborating.

Everything was going fine until Singer accused Actor 1 of cheating on Singer with Actor 2. Actor 1 denied it. Big fight.

Singer and Actor 1 broke up.

Actor 1 and Actor 2 continued dating for a while, but have since broken up.

Enter the Model.

Singer and Model recently admitted that they are dating.

Then they admitted that they have actually been dating for several months.

Now, here’s the interesting part: The time frame that they give is a lie.

The truth is that at the same time that Singer was crying crocodile tears about Actor 1’s cheating ways, Singer was also cheating… with the Model!

1. All four celebrities are female.
2. Actor 1 and Actor 2 each star on separate TV series.

Cara Delevigne
Singer: St Vincent – Annie Clark
Actor 1: Carrie Brownstein
Actor 2: Taylor Schilling


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