
Mr. Hedge

This player/serial pedophile in the music world was probably B-list at his peak, probably C-list today.

He was once a regular cast member in a couple TV series, about a decade and a half ago.

A few years later, he went to jail for raping a girl who was WAY underage.

I mean, she wasn’t even a teen.

He barely went to jail, but it really wasn’t jail. Believe it or not, this scumbag pedophile just got a job in a position of power on a decent sized film.

The film is currently in production, with a lot of very young-looking actresses, who are probably barely on one side or the other of legal age.

A long list of people associated with this travesty should never be allowed to work in their alleged professions ever again.

The whole thing just makes me sick.

Shane Sparks

Art director for False Affairs (2018)

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