Coroner has given a private investigator 90 days


A coroner has given a private investigator 90 days to convince her a recent celebrity death was a murder.

The coroner was expected to close the case, but left it open because the coroner was intrigued by what the detective has discovered.

Not convinced, but intrigued enough to leave it open for a short time.

Keith Flint

The Prodigy

Coroner Says Death of The Prodigy’s Keith Flint Cannot Be Called a Suicide

The inquest into the death of Keith Flint, lead singer of The Prodigy, has turned up inconclusive results, according to a Guardian report. An Essex coroner, Caroline Beasley-Murray, determined an “open conclusion” after attempting to gauge whether Flint’s death was by suicide.

“I’ve considered suicide,” Beasley-Murray said in a hearing. “To record that, I would have to have found that, on the balance of probabilities, Mr Flint formed the idea and took a deliberate action knowing it would result in his death. Having regard to all the circumstances I don’t find that there’s enough evidence for that.” Beasley-Murray also said that she couldn’t be sure that the event was an accident. She continued: “We will never quite know what was going on in his mind on that date.” According to the Guardian, Flint’s family and band manager were informed of the hearing but refused to attend.- Source