About the auction

One of the things not being auctioned off by the family of the foreign born former A+ list DJ are his notebooks which are filled with notes that could help bring closure to two other musician deaths.


Chris Cornell

Chester Bennington

Previously posted related articles

What he witnessed and saw four days before

You take the first letter of each song played that day by him and it spells out a word or two.

Hit And Run – It is simply the most recent.

He was brought into a police station and told to leave the country

He interfered in the pawing and abuse. The next night our performer was dead.

An auction featuring personal items from the late DJ Tim ‘Avicii’ Bergling’s collection will be held to support the Tim Bergling Foundation, which focuses on suicide prevention and mental health awareness.

The auction, organized by Stockholms Auktionsverk in Sweden, will include 267 items, such as sneakers, clothes, and musical instruments, donated by Avicii’s family.

All proceeds will benefit the foundation. The auction, set for October 1, will be available both in-person in Stockholm and online, with a public viewing from September 24 to 30.

Avicii, who tragically died by suicide in 2018 at the age of 28, left a lasting impact through his music and the foundation established in his name.