Because of his narcissism, he’s convinced he will be targeted


There’s Too Much Paranoia

A series of big events that have received a lot of positive media attention are rumored to be experiencing epic levels of drama behind the scenes.

The most interesting story coming out of the events relates to one of the A list participants who we’ll call Mr. C. Mr. C is a revered figure in his circles, but in real life is becoming more difficult with age- his public persona is much different than the private one, which has always been volatile.

Anyway, Mr. C is a jerk and is now also getting super paranoid as he gets older.

Because of his narcissism, he’s convinced he will be targeted, especially after reading recent news about 3D printers and weapons.

Because of these fears, Mr. C insisted on a last minute security clause at the event which resulted in upset people and disorder at the venue.

The worst part was that because the demand was made on such short notice, there was no time to adequately communicate it to those attending which added to the chaos.

The people associated with Mr. C are livid about this right now but don’t dare cross him.

Rahm Emanuel
Current mayor of Chicago

Lollapalooza 2018