In the fall of last year, I wrote in this space about a long time reality show and how it predicted COVID.

It was one of the best examples of predictive programming of all time.

Every bit of that episode has been scrubbed from the internet every time it pops its head up online.

What about other examples of predictive programming?

The powers that be can’t do anything about the long running cartoon.

It is what it is and the world knows about their predictions.

There were multiple websites as recently as four years ago that highlighted hundreds of examples of predictive programming on television and movies and those websites have all disappeared.

If the websites managed to stay alive, none of the articles did.

There were dozens of websites and stories about predictive programming.

What are the odds that all of them would be taken down or not exist just four years after being compiled.

One of the biggest culprits that is being taken down everywhere is the summary of a book.

The book is two words long.

It is about aliens taking over the world.

Why suddenly is this being taken down everywhere it shows up?

In addition, the book describes two superpowers coming close to war which happen to be the two superpowers headed towards war right now.

Why the sudden interest in hiding references to the book?

The Simpsons

Childhood’s End
Childhood’s End is a 1953 science fiction novel by the British author Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture.

Another example of ‘The Simpsons’ predicting future

“The Simpsons” have continued their streak of being our pop culture Nostradamus.

Fox’s long-running animated series — actually the longest running in history — has an episode from 1993 which appears to foreshadow 2020 with the pandemic and “murder hornets.”

Titled “Marge in Chains” the season 4 episode features a sick Asian worker sneezing on a shipment of juicers that many of the residents of Springfield wish to purchase, which kicks off an “Osaka Flu” outbreak.

As people panic they knock over a truck they think has the cure, but instead demolish a crate marked “Killer Bees” which then swarm.

Earlier this week, scientists said they had spotted Asian giant hornets — also known as murder hornets — in Washington state, and it’s still unknown how they got there. The world’s largest hornet can kill a human just by stinging a few times.

One of the episode’s writers, Bill Oakley, initially told The Hollywood Reporter back in March that he didn’t like the Internet pointing to the episode as a predictor of the pandemic saying, “I don’t like it being used for nefarious purposes.”

“The idea that anyone misappropriates it to make coronavirus seem like an Asian plot is terrible,” Oakley said. “In terms of trying to place blame on Asia — I think that is gross.”

But on Wednesday he conceded the similarities tweeting “ok fine i guess we did” in response to another Twitter user saying the show predicted 2020.

It’s far from the first time “The Simpsons” has been our Magic 8 ball. – Source

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