The new narrative is that the dad of the permanent A list “singer” is somehow a victim in all of this.

Jamie Spears

Britney Spears

The Curse of Kentwood

Below is such a good and long read please visit the link to read the whole thing.
Posting here only last two paragraphs. ~ Foxella

The Curse of Kentwood One year ago, Britney Spears was freed from a notorious conservatorship. What possessed her father to seize control of her life?

A year has passed since Britney Spears was freed from the control of her father. Lynne, estranged from Britney Jean, lives in the mansion Britney built for her. Jamie, still friendly with his football teammates and most of the town they entertained 50 years ago, chooses to live ten miles away in an RV parked on a vast, perfectly manicured lawn, behind a wooden fence with a gate sign that reads BEWARE OF DOG, four miles from the cemetery where his mother lived and died. Looming over the small RV is a large warehouse, and inside that warehouse are trunks full of stuff belonging to a beautiful woman who resembles no one as much as his mother. Here are the giant shimmering angel wings, here the red ringmaster’s jacket, underwear, the little green top in which she sang about being a slave.

There is no answer to the question of why Jamie Spears effectively imprisoned his daughter for 13 years. If there is, it isn’t here in Osyka, under an ancient moss-furred oak in a graveyard loud with the low buzz of cicadas. Yet it would be hard to conjure a deeper wound than this: not just to be left with an abusive man by a loving mother at the fragile age of 13, but left over her grief for another boy, as if to say, “You, the living son, the eldest son, are not enough.” The opposite of seeking total control over another person is not the establishment of healthy boundaries. The opposite of control is this: a soft wind over a hard stone, a mother present at breakfast gone by dusk, the insistent whisper of that terrible word, abandoned. – Source

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