
I was talking to a new friend who has been in and around music his entire life and it reminded me of a story.

Back in the day at this benefit concert, there were these two actors.

At the time, one was an A+ list television actor who was known all over the world from a hit show.

Also there and about a decade or more younger I think was this A list mostly movie actor who was still a teen or close to it. Anyway, they both struck out and missed with this entire group of women from Playboy.

Who did the Playboy women want to be with?

This goofy looking country singer who was a 30 year old overnight success and is still goofy looking but has lost all his hair too.

He is so good when he gets a chance at acting roles.

The actors at this festival just couldn’t believe they had been turned down because it so rarely happened.

Benefit concert: Farm Aid in Manor Texas 1986

A+ list television actor: Don Johnson – Miami Vice

Teen actor: Rob Lowe

Country singer: Dwight Yoakam

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