Although it was over months ago, he will be bringing it up again

This ugly on-set feud between these two macho movie stars got a lot of coverage a few months ago. We noted at the time that there was this odd undercurrent of self-promotion that seemed out of place. The bigger star – who was much more vocal and public about the beef – kept interjecting his account of the feud with promotions for his other projects and products.

The art form she’d chosen to embrace was partying.

In 1999, shortly after moving to Los Angeles to cover pop culture for the New York Times, I ended up in a room with someone I’d never heard of before. She seemed to embody young Hollywood. She didn’t want to be an actress, a singer, or a star—though she would soon become all three. The art form she’d chosen to embrace was partying.

He managed to bed her by the end of the first day

Ben Affleck spent about five minutes in this movie but it didn't keep him from making a bet with this A list mostly movie actor that he could hook up with the only female lead in the movie in the two days he spent filming. The bet was Ben had to hook up during filming and not after. Ben managed to do it by the end of the first day.

They walked out the door like they didn’t even know each other

Why yes, that was this A list action star sitting in the back of Saint Felix in West Hollywood last week. Why yes, the oft photographed with female models whenever he can had his back to the door and his barely out of his teens Latin friend sitting on the action star's lap facing the door. The two kissed for a few minutes like that after dinner and then walked out the door like they didn't even know each other.