It is a crazy relationship but the two wouldn’t have it any other way

Neither of the participants in this blind item have previously appeared in this space. Kind of surprising for both actually. The actress in this blind is C+ list based on what you have seen her in but she has had a very B list career. The last couple of years have been very good to her. One of her issues has always been that she is always willing to sell stories about her co-stars and isn't shy about them knowing so she ends up not working very long at each job. She doesn't really care though because she has a mentor/protector who not only provides employment to our actress on a frequent basis but is also the only person he trusts to bring in for threesomes when he is with another woman.

Movie actress cheated on her actor boyfriend

This relationship I predicted would make it to next year is struggling because the B list mostly movie actress cheated on her actor boyfriend with the writer/producer/star of one of her upcoming movies which won't be as good as the original.

He loves having sex with pregnant women

This A list actor (in a way)/writer/and so much more with a ton of money and talent has a huge fetish which has caused him to lose at least a few girlfriends. He loves having sex with pregnant women. It is his thing. Since only one of his girlfriends have been pregnant though it has been tough for him to satisfy this kink without straying. He says it's worth it though.