They will drop her in a second.

Her record label and management team didn't say anything to her, because, well, I mean they have done way worse. However, the team that makes her the most money had a lot to say to the foreign born one named permanent A list singer. They have ignored the fact she is dating a serial abuser, but have drawn the line at the singer going on double dates with a murderer/pedophile/rapist. They will drop her in a second.

Industry Plant: She was discovered a good six years before she says

Lots of people misinterpret this term. It is essentially, hey lets make it look like this person came out of nowhere, when in reality we, the label or management have spent a ton of money to make this happen. This was going to be the idea behind this one hit wonder one named foreign born singer, but her backstory leaked, so everyone from the outset knew she had been groomed from her tween years to become a hit singer/songwriter. Who is the biggest of all time? The biggest current one is this foreign born A list singer who just showed up with a bang and some number one songs. She will tell you she grew up poor and struggled and blah blah blah, when in reality, she has been groomed for a decade. The most famous of all time though is this permanent A list foreign born singer who has one name. She had a great backstory and everyone in her family was in on it because they wanted in on the fame and money. She supposedly grew up poor and saved all her money and flew to the US and managed to have enough to hang on to until she was discovered and then had a bunch of hit songs. Nope. She was discovered a good six years before she says and was also willing to hook up with a whole bunch of guys to make fame happen.

At this rate, it would take another solid year.

This foreign born one named permanent A+ list singer is really frustrated with the process of putting together snippets of her voice for an attempt at a record. At this rate, it would take another solid year. It isn't like she would tour for it or anything either, so she kind of just wants to throw in the towel.

She eats pot brownies all day

This foreign born one named A+ list singer had to give up smoking pot because of her vocal issues. So, instead, she eats pot brownies all day and has gained almost 30 pounds in the past few months.

The magazine still hasn’t come calling.

Judging by the valuation of just one part of her company through a new round of financing, it is pretty obvious that the one named foreign born A+ list singer who really doesn't sing any longer, is a billionaire. Because she doesn't care about bragging about it though, the magazine still hasn't come calling.

She managed to record a song this past week

Progress. The one named foreign born permanent A+ list singer managed to record a song this past week that was good enough to be autotuned. I don't think she is all that enthused with continuing. She likes her side job way more.

Every interaction from every post is monitored.

At first, I really thought Instagram stars were being killed off or kidnapped. It was strange. You would see an Instagram star reach 200-300K followers or more and then they were gone, never to post again.Their pages still there with no activity. Not for just a week or two, but there are hundreds that litter the social media landscape.


This one named foreign born permanent A+ list singer did try and use auto tune and a replacement singer combined with auto tune, but so far, it hasn't worked out. They even tried a program which took the singer's old vocals and tried to combine them into new ones using AI.

Not Going To Happen

Not Going To Happen: She thought surgery would help. She thought rest would help. She can't talk about how it all happened though because it involved a crazy drug bender gone wrong with her really rich ex. What this all means for our permanent A+ list singer is she won't ever sing again, live or on a record.

A decade ago, maybe.

The one named foreign born permanent A+ list singer turned fashion mogul doesn't need the hugely insanely wealthy boyfriend, however, the woman beating very quick rapper is not a choice she would make right now. A decade ago, maybe.