Conflict Of Interest

On the other side of the pond, I am sure there is a very big discussion that is ongoing. This blind is not about the alliterate one. It is about the fact that when this Princess from a different country was about 15, give or take a few months, she accompanied her father to some horse races. At the horse races, she was introduced to the pedophile prince.

The mother was led to believe the egg was coming from someone else.

Previously in this space, I put forward the theory that this foreign born A+ list couple who are married, are actually related to each other because of relatives not in the too distant past. Apparently the couple took these theories even more seriously. Unable to get a straight answer from those who would know, the couple decided to not take any chances with their children. They wanted someone who was definitely not related.

The buzz is that there was a pregnancy

You can pronounce her name, but not her title, unless of course you watch a certain cable reality show. Anyway, the buzz is that there was a pregnancy, and because it was unknown whether it was the result of an interaction with her significant other or this foreign born A+ lister, that it was terminated.