All she cares about is that her message was not acknowledged by the President of that country

There are people dying and all the alliterate one cares about is that her message was not acknowledged by the President of that country. Tell you what you can do. Call up the former Housewife and tell her you want to distribute the blankets and sleeping bags the former Housewife is sending to Poland to all the refugees. Actually do something. She won't though. She should. If she did, maybe she would actually have something for Netflix they wouldn't reject.

If it wasn’t security, it would be something else

The ginger haired one could go alone of course if he is so worried about security for his family. It isn't about that though, it is because the alliterate one never wants to step foot in the country again. If it wasn't security, it would be something else.

This is just ridiculous.

It is not about being safe or not. That is just ridiculous. It is all about the fact that the alliterate one doesn't want to see a bunch of negative press about herself for entire visits to the country.

The ginger haired one didn’t have any issues with it last time when he was home.

The ginger haired one is implying through a recent statement that the US is covering the costs of his security and also providing Secret Service and he wants the same thing at home. Also, if it doesn't happen it gives the alliterate one an excuse to stay behind which is what she really wants anyway. The ginger haired one didn't have any issues with it last time when he was home.

Conflict Of Interest

On the other side of the pond, I am sure there is a very big discussion that is ongoing. This blind is not about the alliterate one. It is about the fact that when this Princess from a different country was about 15, give or take a few months, she accompanied her father to some horse races. At the horse races, she was introduced to the pedophile prince.

Trying to stop the documentary/hit job.

The one still in charge issued a very rare edict. She wanted no trails of the century while still alive and ordered the result that was issued. Now lets see if the one still in charge can also stop the documentary/hit job.