She talked for a good thirty minutes about a day a decade earlier when she met him for the first time.

He Made Me: "We were sitting on set. It was the fifth or sixth take and I asked her if she wanted to do something fun like go to Las Vegas that weekend. She seemed interested and then I said maybe we could get tickets to see a show. I told her that _____________ was going to be performing and we could see him. She looked at me so calmly and said she had no interest in ever seeing him perform.

This was too much and her contract wasn’t renewed.

This actress saw doors wide open for her when she first started acting. Everyone loved her. She was getting bigger and bigger parts and when she finally landed her big break the writers and producers loved her and wrote more lines for her and the world was her oyster. She was beautiful and vibrant and fans loved her. She was sexy and funny and a really good actress. Then one day our actress who was almost A list in her part of the television world on a network show was gone. Why? She came out. The producers freaked out. They thought fans would go running away from her and the show and they wanted no part of it.