I guess befriending the madam got him access to victims too.

In a couple of blind items the past month, I have written about this A-/B+ list actor who has that common first name which makes differentiating him from some of his peers difficult. I have written about him hooking up with the madam/procurer of the pedophile. What is now coming to light is that he also seemed to have been one of the chosen favorites. He also hooked up with victims of the pedophile.

He has been going through almost the entire population of gay men in town

This actor is B list. Mostly movies although he has dabbled with some television. His is the face that women love and combine that with the movie roles he has played and women melt. They love the guy. His wife loved him too. She didn't know at first because he was good at hiding it. At some point in that marriage he gave up though and decided he wanted to be more free. No more marriage. He is giving her everything she wants. He is on a roll with guys right now. After so many years of hiding he is filming in a town right now and in front of the public he still flirts and pretends to love women but he has been going through almost the entire population of gay men in town.