Will daddy force his former reality star son to take a deal even if it is bad, just to protect daddy?

One month until the trial, and the reality star daddy can't let something like that derail his political chances. They still want a plea with no time, but that is not going to happen. Now the request is a minimum-security. If he gets convicted at trial, he'll end up in a secure facility due to sentencing guidelines, and he will not have an easy time. Will daddy force his former reality star son to take a deal even if it is bad, just to protect daddy?

He is arguing for a no jail time deal.

This former reality star who has a habit of molesting children and watching them being molested is arguing for a no jail time deal. The only way he is getting a no jail time deal is if he rolls over all the car dealers in his area using stolen parts which would also mean throwing a bus over dad who is paying for everything.

Normally this should have been a disqualifying situation

I have been talking about this soon to be latest edition to the large reality family. One of the things I mentioned is that the soon to be new addition had a previous relationship. At the time I wrote it, I was not sure who or when, just that normally it should have been a disqualifying situation. I guess it isn't though when it was with the patriarch.