4 blinds in a row – Dec11

4 blinds in a row: He got caught up in a scandal with a very young female politician / Mom came as part of the deal / She actually did try and reach out / People who would prefer her fired instead.

He said she is a special kind of crazy

Someone asked this A/A- list dual threat actor who made his fame late night, whether he would ever date this A-/B+ list alliterate actress again. He said she is a special kind of crazy and would not be dating her again.

Moving boxes

Yes, because the paps just happened to randomly show up at the same exact time you (A- list actress/director) decide to move a few boxes from the home of your actor ex to the home of the former boy bander.

Actress was trying to get a child support bump

This could get messy. I told you a few months ago, the alliterate A-/B+ list actress was trying to get a child support bump. The dad said no. I really thought he would cave so this wouldn't head into the courts and become public.