3 blinds in a row

3 blinds in a row: They are headed for divorce / Owner is a major creep himself / She tries to convince them to stay far away from him.

So Bravo fucking Bravo hired a new housewife.

LOOK AT ME! PLEASE LOOK AT ME! So Bravo fucking Bravo hired a new housewife. As news leaks out that this new housewife of somewhere and her husband are MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DEBT. She is doing everything she can to be noticed. Sound familiar? Apparently, she is hosting a "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Gala" at her home to impress the other housewives.

Pristine facade remains intact

This reality wife’s marriage might look like perfection — but the wedded bliss came at a price. Her husband was busted cheating with a co-worker, and the scandalous discovery was met by a scheme to cover the dirty deed. The wife has an image to protect, so her cheating husband cracked open his wallet to pay for his mistake.

Her only condition is that he doesn’t get caught

This B list reality star says that she loves that her husband has a mistress because she hates having sex. Apparently she considers it a chore and her husband considers it a daily need. Her only condition is that he doesn't get caught. My guess is that he will be caught because he tends to focus his affections on women who work for him. Never a good move.