He is revising history

The A-/B+ list mostly movie actor can say what he wants, but he is revising history to say he didn't cost this back in the day A- list actress a role on a huge movie that people still love.

No one in the town probably knew who she was anyway

This celebrity was A list. She is not A list any longer, but she is probably going to be a B lister for the next decade or two and will have A list name recognition that long too. She has been on and off drugs for the past couple of decades and the other day she was completely messed up and started talking about some of the time she was closest to death. Times as in plural. One of them I knew about because I was in the vicinity. This was back when she was trying to make it as an actress. I remember it was hot. The kind of hot you can only get in the south at that time of the year.

He was supposed to be doing some work on his laptop but he couldn’t help himself

He might not get a lot of attention on this blog but when he does, you always respond. He’s a well- respected actor who is friends with a lot of other actors and while he’s known to be sometimes temperamental with studios and executives, his work is always solid. Though he’s enjoyed a couple of high profile relationships, for the last several years, he’s settled down with a civilian. They married and had a child. They said he was happy and committed. That he’s not that guy. So…how come he was all over a flight attendant recently on a flight from LA to NYC?