He will trade a spot in a video for what he wants

The foreign born one named A list singer/rapper says he doesn't choose extras for his videos. That is correct. HOWEVER, if there is someone he wants to spend time with, he will trade a spot in a video for what he wants and encourages those close to him to do the same.

I’m actually surprised he didn’t try and open an arcade

The foreign born one named rapper/singer is A+/A list and is the latest in a long line of celebrities who think they can open a place to eat and people will flock to it because of the name and then watch it go down in flames. I'm actually surprised he didn't try and open an arcade or something similar to have dozes of underage girls to get to know.

The momager has visions of being his manager and 10%, but nope.

As much as this momager would love for the one named north of the border A+ lister to be interested in her daughter, it isn't going to happen, no matter how much she leaks to the press otherwise. The momager has visions of being his manager and 10%, but nope. He sees what happened to the former A+ lister and the dead careers of half a dozen others that got swallowed in that black hole.

They say they care about women, but this doesn’t really show it.

By my count, there are at least four A listers who contributed to the serial woman beating A lister's record. This is in addition to the two other A listers who made a music video with him. They say they care about women, but this doesn't really show it. They also know that the media is too scared to ever ask them about it because all those reporters just want backstage passes and to feel cool rather than holding their feet to the fire and making them justify their actions.

No one is willing to risk a casino license.

Most of the time, concert venue staff/promoters don't do anything when a performer brings someone underage backstage or even cares what happens to them. Most of the time. Even this foreign born A+ list rapper couldn't do so at a recent event because it happened at a casino.