The A lister is content with once every other day.

This newly engaged woman to an A list actor from an acting family loves being with this A lister compared to the last A- list actor she was dating. The A- lister cheated and wanted sex four or five times a day. The A lister is content with once every other day. He is a cheater though.

Now no one wants to make the show

This former A+ list mostly movie actor had a long bumpy ride down to the bottom. He probably settled at B- which is about as low as you can go after being A+ list. After not working for a few years at all because of his issues, he has been doing some good work and finally managed to land a couple lead roles in potential television hits. One of them was supposed to be really big but he and the cast all got caught up in some drinking and using and now no one wants to make the show.

It happened many years ago, but she told the story in ear shot of the actor’s wife

Well, she is not really known for her discretion and the guy she was talking about is a pig, but still, this seems like a bit too much information at a very inappropriate time. Our actress is B list. Used to be on a hit network show and has A list name recognition despite not doing anything since it went off the air a couple of years ago. She was at an event that a married former A+ list mostly movie actor was also attending. Our actress told a group of people, "He used to f**k me so good. I didn't care that we were both cheating." It happened many years ago, but she told the story in ear shot of the actor's wife. Not the one he cheated on our actress with.

He is not concerned about his partying reputation

This A list celebrity who has been known to play some music from time to time is obviously not concerned about his partying reputation because he was asking random people this weekend at a big event in LA if they had any coke. He would flash that smile and cozy up to them and ask discreetly before moving on. It appears that most people didn't try and sneak it in past a very tough security screen.

The tension between the two actors is bad

You may notice some weird tension between two actors who are out promoting a project together. Well, we’re going to tell you the story about exactly why one absolutely hates the other! These two good-looking male actors have some mutual friends. So when they started working on a project together, they became close rather quickly. Unfortunately, a lot of their time together centered around doing drugs. The Younger Actor had been using coke, pot and ecstasy for years. However, his intake of coke dramatically increased when he began to party with the Older Actor.