They eventually headed upstairs to his hotel room for the night

Over the weekend, there was a music festival in Las Vegas sponsored by iHeartRADIO. While they were there, two celebrities – both hot, young television stars – hooked up for the night! While that sound like an unusual occurrence for a weekend in Las Vegas, we do have to admit that the pairing surprised us just a little. He is one of the stars of a happy show on network television.

Instead of dealing with her, he tried to get away from her

There was some drama earlier this week at an L.A. club involving a very cute television star from a very popular show. Our talented actor was at a nightclub, hanging out with some friends, cast mates, and his "girlfriend". We put "girlfriend" in italics for three reasons: First, because we’re not convinced about this actor’s orientation. Second, because his "girlfriend" coincidentally happens to be a writer slash producer slash whatever at the same network on which his show appears, so we don’t know if she is a beard or the real thing. Third, because fans of this show are so rabid that every time we write anything about a cast member from this show, we are deluged with hate mail (Flame away, you geeks!).