Old Hollywood: Craziest 48 hour trip. – Looooong read!

On Sunday night I was surfing the internet and saw an article about Bangkok.. Specifically a hotel in Bangkok that was undergoing a renovation. I remembered staying in that hotel like it happened yesterday, but is getting on towards a decade. I have always wanted to write about what happened that trip but I don’t think I am a good enough writer to convey all that was going on around me during that trip.

Why he didn’t get work.

The A-/B+ list actor who shares a name with lots of other actors who look the same and is a top contender to be the baby daddy of one of the great celebrity mysteries of all time, seems to have forgotten a very important fact.

In honor of me getting to see Lindsay Lohan

In honor of me getting to see Lindsay Lohan screw up for hours on end while filming a television show I thought we would play the game of who has she had sex with that you don't know about. All of them are surprising. #1- Academy Award winner/multiple nominee. Married. Has been in a relationship both times he had sex with her. Once he was even married.