Don’t leave your drink alone.

Proving once again that #MeToo is over and that Hollywood will always Hollywood, this serial rapist who drugged women and then would date rape them, and also said it wasn't rape because they were not awake had his music career canceled. Apparently though, he has served his time because now he is creating multiple television shows for a production company. Don't leave your drink alone.

3 blinds in a row

This hit network show has decided to go full on for accused rapists who believe there is no such thing as rape if a woman is unconscious. / The high pitched A list singer/all around a-hole made some groupies lift their skirts/take off their pants the other night before telling the ones with any cellulite they were fat and should head home. / This should be still disgraced host/writer had his PR team hire a bot army to defend him and discredit anyone who goes after him to the point of doxxing any opponents.

Apparently things have not changed much.

People forget that this former A list singer/part-time network reality star got fired because he used to drug and rape women. Apparently things have not changed much. He was groping and fondling several women at a pre Grammy party this weekend.