
This former A list professional athlete now celebrity and this former A list celebrity/syndicated actress/reality star/celebrity, were sitting with an employee of the athlete’s business when the employee mentioned she was missing her nephew’s high school graduation the next day because of a work conflict.

The guy kept going.

About a decade or so ago, this at the time A list celebrity who was in multiple reality shows and had several strange marriages and is someone all of you know, went out on a date. The guy really wanted to sleep with her. Throughout the night, she gets progressively more drunk and they go back to her place. She is conscious and will tell you to this day, that she was able to give consent. What she was unable to do was keep herself from throwing up all over herself while she was having s.e.x. The guy kept going. She also couldn't control her bowels, but the guy kept on going.

It was for a party and she ended up hooking up with the married host of the party who doubled her fee for the service.

This former A- list celebrity/syndicated actress/reality star/gets naked a lot turned B/B- lister all of you know and not named Pamela Anderson, had a paid appearance a couple weeks back. It was for a party and she ended up hooking up with the married host of the party who doubled her fee for the service. There were other reality stars there, but I didn't hear of them making any similar deals.

His one demand was there be a former Baywatch actress on the show.

One person who wants to do Celebrity Big Brother is this former A list cable reality star turned celebrity DJ turned reality star of his old show. Anyway, his one demand was there be a former Baywatch actress on the show. Apparently he has made it his goal to have sex with every female member of the cast and has actually hooked up with several. The one who will probably be cast is the one who sounds like a bad Greek nightclub.

She has been spending some of the hard earned money on a PR team

This former B+ list syndicated actress who was never as famous as one of her co-stars has performed the same type work though for the past decade. Surprisingly, the lesser known has really succeeded and made well into the mid six figures a year but now wants to be an actress again. She has been spending some of the hard earned money on a PR team.

This was not a peck on the cheek

This former reality star/actress/singer who seems like she will always be a gorgeous B list celebrity started making out with this current Real Housewife at the table they were sharing. This was not a peck on the cheek. This was full on I think they are going to have sex at the table making out. Meanwhile the third at the table is a reality star on a show and she got up because she said what the two were doing was wrong and that no two women should ever kiss like that.

Tweener grew more and more uncomfortable before finally fleeing

This celebrity is probably still a solid B+ with A list name recognition. She was on one of the most famous television shows ever and has also done a lot of reality television. She also has hooked up with some really interesting people, but last night could have been the most interesting. Our do everything celebrity and a B- list actress who is not known for being shy were sitting at the same table as this A list tweener who is a bit of a goody goody.