She was cheating on her now dead lover

This foreign born alliterate model/rapist/blackmailer/possible murder suspect was also cheating on her now dead lover with this A- list musician who she met through their love of the Church Of Satan.

A Little Help

I have never been shy about letting you know about this A list mostly movie actress (Gwyneth Paltrow) and how she slept her way to the top with the disgraced producer. Have you noticed how her downfall mirrors his? Anyway, in addition to sleeping with the large hairy man, she also used her fame to find women who would sleep with him.

There is no trace of them anywhere after the films they starred in.

A number of decades ago, this colorful sub-genre of film was very popular on another continent. They were primarily made in one country that gave the sub-genre its name but other countries on the same continent also made these type of films. They later proved to be very influential on a sub-genre of American film as well.

Country that was holding one of the killers released him.

Police in this country were given the opportunity to extradite one of the killers of this celebrity chef . The country chose not to do it because then it would open up so many other cans of worms they want kept closed. So, the country that was holding one of the killers released him. Of course one of the other men involved in the murder has been in a long term relationship with the alliterate model.

Zero sympathy for her.

As if anyone believes the alliterate foreign born model is suffering. She already admitted she played a part in the death of the A lister. Maybe she wishes she hadn't shared that part. I have zero sympathy for her.

Does she know with whom?

In a recent interview this foreign born alliterate sometime actress didn't deny she played a role in the murder of this A list celebrity. She also confirmed what I have previously written about his cheating. Does she know with whom? I think she does, which makes this all the more interesting.