This alliterate A- list author doesn’t seem to quite understand why his agency dropped him after learning he has been grooming underage girls.

It is likely because they know way more about what he did in those classrooms which contained kids from K-12.

So far we have only heard from the high school students.

Blake Bailey

Blake Bailey, biographer of Philip Roth, hit with new sexual misconduct allegation

Blake Bailey, author of “Philip Roth: The Biography,” has been hit with a second accusation of sexual assault after multiple women came forward earlier this week with allegations of misconduct going back to the writer’s days as a teacher in Louisiana.

Publishing executive Valentina Rice told the New York Times in a story published Wednesday that Bailey raped her in 2015 while they were both houseguests of Dwight Garner, a book critic for the New York Times. Rice said she told Bailey “no” and “stop” after he came in her room that night and started to have nonconsensual sex with her.

Rice said she emailed the president of W.W. Norton, publisher of the Roth biography, under a pseudonym to relay the encounter as the #MeToo movement gathered steam in 2018. She said she received no response from Norton, but heard from Bailey a week later, the N.Y. Times reported.

In the email to Rice, Bailey strongly denied the allegation of nonconsensual sex and added, “I appeal to your decency: I have a wife and young daughter who adore and depend on me, and such a rumor, even untrue, would destroy them,” according to the N.Y. Times.

The writer has consistently denied all allegations, both via email and in statements from his attorney, Billy Gibbens. – Source

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