A couple of years ago, this documentary filmmaker believed he’d uncovered the real identity of one of history’s more intriguing mystery men.

His film asks us to consider similarities between the mystery man and this foreign-born tycoon, raising some curious questions about him.

If the filmmaker’s case is correct, then the unmasking is secondary in importance.

What’s primary is the recasting of the mystery man as a fallen hero, a tragic-yet-typical case of noble ideals being pushed aside when the Powers That Be come knocking. If you were promised great profits in exchange for crippling your own creation and sabotaging your biggest supporters, would you accept the deal?

The documentary took months of investigation to reach its conclusion; the Deceased Tech Maverick was much briefer.

He said the mystery man’s identity could be figured out in a measly 15 minutes.

Satoshi Nakamoto

John McAfee

John McAfee Is 99% Certain He Knows Who Satoshi Nakamoto Is

Speaking to Cointelegraph, McAfee described the popular belief that an individual named Satoshi designed Bitcoin as “nonsense,” stating: “It was a team of eleven people over a period of five years, that came up, eventually, with [Bitcoin].

“How they decided who would write the paper, I don’t know. But anybody who wants to know who it is — I mean, you know who the options are, you’ve got Craig Wright possibly, I’m not going to name everyone else otherwise you’ll figure out who it is, but somebody wrote the whitepaper,” he continued.

McAfee asserts that linguistic analysis of the whitepaper, also known as stylometry, is all that is needed to uncover Satoshi’s identity.

“If you read the whitepaper, number one, it’s totally clear he’s English — every single word that has a different spelling in English and American is English,” McAfee asserts.

“Number two, he left tells. There is only five percent of the population that has two spaces after a period — everything has two spaces after a period. And, the format of the document was identical to documents that he had published professionally,” he adds.

“If you buy a two-hundred dollar authorship program, and you take the whitepaper and you run it through, and you take any one of the papers that he’s published — all of these people wrote papers by the way, only one comes out with ninety-nine percent probability it’s him.”

McAfee recounts that he had previously planned to publicly reveal Satoshi’s identity, before deciding against such after a phone call with the individual.

“I have spoken to him on the phone, I was actually going to divulge who he was. Why? Because all of this nonsense was just stupid, people wasting time over nothing — I was going to say, ‘listen, it was this guy,’” McAfee said.

“And you know what he told me? Very smart motherf*****, he said ‘Ok, what if you’re wrong?’ He goes, ‘if you’re right, then Satoshi is going to have to hire fifty security guards and change his life, or else he will die.’ Why? Everyone is going to want a piece of him, including the governments that demand that he pay taxes.”

“He said, ‘Ok, if you’re right, then that person has the ability to do something. But what if you’re wrong? You will end up destroying an innocent man’s life forever, and probably cause his death,’” continued McAfee.

“At that moment, I said ‘I understand, I won’t say no more, and your name will never leave my lips.’ And that is why I never continued past Craig Wright, because the name would have to leave my lips.”

“But if you want to know, figure it out yourself, it’s easy.“ – Source

Another court case fails to unlock the mystery of bitcoin’s Satoshi Nakamoto

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? The mysterious inventor of bitcoin is a renowned figure in the world of cryptocurrency but his true identity is unknown.

However, the British blogger Peter McCormack was certain about one thing: the answer isn’t Craig Wright.

For years Wright, an Australian computer scientist, has claimed that he is Satoshi, the pseudonymous author of the 2008 white paper behind bitcoin.

Wright’s assertion that he is the inventor of the digital asset – he first sought to prove that he is Satoshi in 2016, months after his name first emerged – has led to a series of legal tussles, some of which are continuing.

One of them came to a pyrrhic conclusion in London this week, when McCormack was found to have caused serious harm to Wright’s reputation by repeatedly claiming that he is a fraud and is not Satoshi.

But Wright, 52, won nominal damages of £1 after a high court judge ruled that he had given “deliberately false evidence” to support his libel claim. – Source

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