Source: Mr. X via

Golden Globes

Which legendary Oscar winning actress who presented last night revealed to a group of friends at a pre-party that one of her longtime friends, that iconic crooner and actor, pulled a gun on that slimy agent who later killed himself?

He heard from a mafia crony that the agent had tried to sexually assault the actress and told him to knock it off or else.

The agent backed off.

Shirley MacLaine

Actor: Frank Sinatra

David Begelman
David Begelman was a Hollywood producer who was involved in a studio embezzlement scandal in the 1970s.

Even after Indecent Exposure made ousted Columbia Pictures president David Begelman infamous, the charismatic producer went on to run MGM and dazzle Hollywood investors. But that glamour masked a spiral of fraud, which ended only with his suicide in August.

I had thought that I knew everything there was to know about the bottom, but I was to learn all over again as one learns each time in his life that there is no such thing as the old bottom, and no matter how bad one feels, one can always feel worse. —Norman Mailer, The Deer Park.

The patrician-looking man in the immaculate gray suit emerged from a taxi and walked through the main entrance of the Century Plaza Tower in Century City. He limped slightly but stood erect and carried a compact navy zipper bag with white trim. After registering in the name of Bruce Vann and paying $290.70 in cash, he was shown to Room 1081, a “Corner King,” with a wet bar and windows facing west to the ocean and north to Beverly Hills and the Santa Monica Mountains, which were hazy on this humid Monday afternoon, August 7, 1995.

About an hour alter, a middle-aged blonde woman in a white linen shirt and pants picked up a house phone in the lobby.

“Mr. Vann, please.”


“I’m here.”

“It’s Room 1018.”

When the elevator doors opened on 10, the woman was surprised to see the man, coatless and tieless, waiting for her in the corridor, laughing. “I gave you the wrong room number,” he said. “I can’t believe it.” It was rare for him to make such mistakes and typical of him to catch them when he did. He took her hand and led her around a corner into Room 1081.

The man who registered as Bruce Vann was actually David Begelman, the scandal-scarred but still-magnetic 73-year-old movie producer, perhaps the most infamous personality of his generation in Hollywood. The woman with him in Room 1081 was Sandi Bennett, the ex-wife of the singer Tony Bennett.

Within hours, Begelman would be dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. And Bennett would be on the patio of her nearby home, sobbing, wondering if she could have saved him, fearing disclosure that she was apparently the last to see him alive.

It is impossible to describe the circumstances surrounding David Begelman’s death—his desperate race against a ticking time bomb of fraud, embezzlement, and imminent personal ruin—without describing his secret love affair with Sandi Bennett. I omitted sex from my book Indecent Exposure; it was ubiquitous but irrelevant to the story. It is germane, however, to this account of David Begelman’s suicide and the financial scandals that prompted it—a story beside which Begelman’s earlier rogueries pale. – Source

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