As you know, we wrote several blind items about how one young actor was being bullied out of his job by two other actors on an ensemble TV show.

It was a really ugly situation.

Well, we have just learned about a stunning development!

There was SO much fan outcry about his departing the show that the producers have been forced to reverse their decision!

Bullygate is over… and Our Actor won!

Here’s what happened: During several sit-downs with Our Actor, the producers totally reversed course about his leaving! They apologized for trying to push him out, begged him to stay… and gave him a huge bump in pay!

He will now be staying through the end of the show’s final season.

The writers also asked him for his input on what to do with his character.

To keep the peace on set, they all agreed that his character will break up with the character played by the bully actor who wanted him out.

That means Our Actor will now get his own story lines that do not involve the bully and that will minimize the time that he has to film with both the nasty people who tried to force him out.

This change will have a direct impact across the show.

In fact, it throws it into a bit of turmoil.

The producers and writers are now scrambling to modify locations, story lines, characters, and everything else!

Of course everyone on the show will publicly deny that it has anything to do with Bullygate… but you will know otherwise!

Finally, we have to emphasize that although Blind Gossip wrote the blind items, it was really the fans of the show that made this happen.

YOU pushed the producers into doing the right thing.

Well done, fans! We’re proud of you!

Our Actor: Darren Criss
TV Show: “Glee”
The Bullies: Lea Michelle, Chris Colfer


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