It was a lot easier to do back in the day then it is now when everything is so easily documented, photographed and logged.

You could rewrite things to make them fit the new narrative and people would accept it.

It was a lot more effort to go back and look up what really happened and the new version was accepted as truth.

Would it work on kids though?

It should be even easier they hypothesized and decided to screw with parents of kids at the same time. It is often tossed in the bucket of similar examples, but this was one is actually real.

It all started at the same time as the other experiments dealing with mind control that were running at the time.

One of the original people involved had been recruited during World War 2 while illustrating medical experiments.

This was going to be a long long mind control experiment and whether you could convince and entire world of one thing when another had been true.

Brought in to help with the screwing around with the minds of people was the author/publisher who was canceled within the past year, although they will never really be canceled.

He was always willing to screw with minds of people and started from the first book when he changed the names of the authors and then again in the second.

He wanted people confused and unsure of what they were seeing.

It worked.

Mandella Effect

What is the Mandela effect?

The Mandela effect describes a situation in which a person or a group of people have a false memory of an event.

Fiona Broome coined the term over a decade ago when she created a website detailing her recollections of former South African President Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s.

Nelson Mandela did not die in prison in the 1980s. After serving 27 years in prison, Mandela served as president of South Africa between 1994 and 1999 and passed away in 2013.

Despite these facts, Broome seemed to remember international news coverage of Mandela’s death from the 1980s. She even found others who had almost identical memories of Mandela’s death in the twentieth century.

There are several potential causes of the Mandela effect. The sections below will look at these in more detail.

The concept of false memories provides one potential explanation for the Mandela effect.

False memories are untrue or distorted recollections of an event. Some false memories contain elements of fact, closely resembling the actual event in question. However, others are entirely false.

Although the idea of false memories causes discomfort for some people, memory mistakes are quite common. Memory does not work like a camera, objectively cataloging images, events, and statements in their purest forms. Emotions and personal bias can both influence memories.

Researchers have even discovered a simple method of inducing false memories, called the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) task paradigmTrusted Source. During the DRM task paradigm, participants read a list of semantically related words, such as:


After reading the list, researchers will ask the participants whether or not they recall a “lure word,” which is another related word not included on the list. A lure word in the above example might be “lion.” Although the term is semantically related to the other words in the list, it is not present.

Usually, the participants will recognize the lure word and recall reading it, even though it was never on the list.

According to the authors of one 2017 studyTrusted Source, people remember false memories induced via the DRM task paradigm for as long as 60 days.

Confabulation is another potential mechanism underlying false memories and the Mandela effect.

Confabulations are false statements or retellings of events that lack relevant evidence or factual support. Although confabulations are technically false statements, the speaker will regard these statements as fact.

According to Lisa Bortolotti, a philosophy professor from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, people do not intentionally confabulate.

In a 2017 articleTrusted Source on confabulation, Prof. Bortolotti stated that most people “are unaware of the information that would make their explanations accurate” and are not able to provide better explanations.

Confabulation is a common symptomTrusted Source of neurological conditions that affect memory, such as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. When a person with dementia confabulates, they are not lying or attempting to deceive. They simply do not have the necessary information or awareness to recall a specific memory or event accurately.

In psychology, priming describes a phenomenon in which exposure to a stimulus directly influences a person’s response to a subsequent stimulus. For example, if a person reads or hears the word “grass,” they will recognize another related word, such as “tree” or “lawnmower,” more quickly than an unrelated word.

Priming is also known as suggestibility. It can influence a person’s reactions and memory. For instance, the phrase, “Did you grab the red ball from the shelf?” is much more suggestive than the phrase, “Did you take anything from the shelf?”

This is because the second phrase contains a general, open-ended question, while the first describes the action of grabbing a specific object: “the” red ball. Therefore, the first phrase has a stronger influence on memory than the second phrase. – Source

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