
Judging by how they interacted with each other when they crossed paths, which is to say they pretended to not know each other, it looks like things are back to their version of normal between the actress offspring of an actress offspring and this foreign born former co-star.

Dakota Johnson

Jamie Dornan

The permanent A list “singer” has no idea how things are going to go from bad to worse if this latest move is approved.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears Jamie Spears Asks to Step Down as Conservator … At Least Temporarily

Jamie Spears wants out as his daughter’s conservator, at least through January 20, 2020.

According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ, Jamie is asking “to temporarily relinquish the powers of conservatorship … due to personal health reasons.”

Jamie wants a temporary conservator … Jodi Montgomery, whom he describes as Britney’s care manager over the last year … who he says has the ability to take on the responsibilities.

As we reported, Jamie’s team believed Kevin Federline and/or Lynne Spears might try and challenge his conservatorship, in the wake of the criminal investigation regarding Jamie’s confrontation with Britney’s 13-year-old son, Sean.

According to the docs, Jamie is asking the judge to give Montgomery the same powers he has, which includes —

The power to restrict or limit visitors by any means.
The power to retain caretakers and security for Britney on a 24-hour basis.
The power to prosecute civil harassment restraining orders.
The power to communicate with expert medical personnel regarding Britney and to have full access to her medical and psychiatric records.

Montgomery has already consented to act as the temporary conservator. – Source

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