This pair of entertaining celebrities certainly make for a very interesting and colorful new couple!

However, friends of the brunette are warning her that the blonde’s motives may be quite selfish.

One of them overheard a conversation the blonde had with an outside party. It was about money. It turns out that her financial situation is not at all stable.

That’s not shocking, given that her entire life has been rather unstable.

However, given that the net worth of the brunette is ten times that of the blonde, her friends are worried that the blonde’s motives may not be purely friendship or romance related.

Their warnings may be falling on deaf ears, as the brunette is said to be “completely smitten.”

The blonde is taking full advantage of that, entwining herself in the personal and professional life of the brunette.

“Let’s do a project together!”

You get one guess as to who will be financing the project.

Brunette: Rosie O’Donnell
Blonde: Tatum O’Neal


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