This horrifying encounter with a very famous actress and her husband at the time took place several years ago.

One day, while working on a project, the actress slept in.

One of the members of her staff knocked on her bedroom door and called her name, softly at first, and then louder, to try to awaken her.

“It was my responsibility to get her up if she was running late to set.”

There was no response. The staff person walked into the bedroom and gasped in horror.

“It looked like a slaughterhouse! The sheets were soaked with blood. I was sure that [the actress and her husband] had been stabbed to death. I started screaming.”

The screaming woke up the actress and her husband.

“They just sat up, looked at me, and smiled.

They were totally casual about it, like there was nothing wrong or weird about it.

They told me that it was just blood play and that they had a little too much fun last night but that they were fine.

I knew she was a cutter but I didn’t know that she liked to do that with [her husband].”

The staff person quit that day.

The actress eventually divorced her husband.

We do not know if she is still a cutter or if she engages in blood play with her new S.O.

Angelina Jolie
Billy Bob Thornton


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