We have some fascinating insight as to what is going on behind the scenes of this fractured friendship!

This blonde singer is getting blasted for not visiting this brunette singer in rehab.

Fans of the brunette are acting like the brunette is laid up with terminal cancer and the blonde singer is some selfish, heartless witch giving her the middle finger.

What fans are completely missing is this: If the brunette’s problem actually was something like an illness, it would be GOOD for the blonde singer to publicly express compassion and support!

The fact that the blonde is NOT doing so confirms what we have been telling you all along:

The spin about the rehab stay being about chronic illness and anxiety is bull!

The truth is that it’s about hard drugs and alcohol.

[The blonde] feels a little betrayed.

[The brunette] kept telling her that she was clean and that she had stopped doing [drugs].

So [the blonde] felt it was safe to hang out with her.

It turns out that [the brunette] was lying.

Now that she knows the truth, the blonde singer has to be SMART.

Her brand has never included hard drugs or alcohol addiction or rehab.

Until the brunette is clean, the blonde will keep some distance.

Taylor Swift
Selena Gomez

Source: http://blindgossip.com

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