
This lead actor really doesn’t want you to know what a jerk he was during the last couple of years of his marriage.

That’s why you are seeing what one acquaintance call an “intense good guy strategy.”

He’s worried that it will eventually all come out that he was cheating on [his Actress Wife] and that he barely saw [his child/ren].

That’s why he’s ramping up the god talk and arranging to have photos taken of him with [his child/ren]. It’s all P.R.

Did you know that he used to sometimes go like a month at a time without seeing [his child/ren]?

Now he’s all, “Look at me!

I’m such a man of god! I’m such a good father!”

He’s got more planned, too.

It’s all part of an intense good guy strategy.

By the time the sh*t hits the fan, you’ll think that he was the saint in the relationship and she must be to blame!

This could get interesting.

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Chris Pratt


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